Wednesday, September 1, 2021

What To Do When You Lack Motivation?


Have you ever felt like you lost that fire in your belly?
Or have days when you wake up and you do not know what to do?
You feel lazy and just want to stay in bed the whole day?

Honestly, I have days like that. As crazy as this may sound, it even reached that point when I Googled "what to do when you don't know what to do." Unfortunately, Google only gave me song lyrics of a particular song on the search results! 

And as I share my feeling of being lost with a workmate, she wonders because she knows that I have achieved the goals I have set for myself when I was still employed. These goals were that I wanted to quit employment at the age of 35, pursue my passion of being a full time InLife Financial Advisor, and do all these because I want to spend time with my very young kids. 

With God's grace, a simple financial plan (which has been a journey that I share through this blog), and my big emotional why which I shared in my blog Find a Strong Emotional Why, I was able to tick off those goals back in 2018, as planned, a month before my 36th birthday. 

But because I have always believed that there is more to life than ticking off short and medium term goals, I ask myself, "What now? What else?" These were the questions that have been going through my head for the past months now.

And as always, God has better ways of answering our life questions than Google! Because two days ago, I came across Bo Sanchez's Fulltank Video, and it was very timely. According to him, you need to have a BIGGER EMOTIONAL WHY that would last through your entire life, not just short term or medium term goals. And that discovering this will give you two gifts: DRIVE and DIRECTION

He also shared the story of Maves Angeles, his friend who lived in the slums for 9 years, and moved from one house to another 19 times! Today, Maves has a home of her own, and is now a real estate developer -- helping more people have their own houses. She discovered her bigger emotional why through her pain and her trials.

Another example he shared was Edward Lee, Founder of COL Financial, the biggest online stockbroker in the country today. Because his strong emotional why is that he believes that everyone ought to be rich, he builds businesses and teaches financial literacy aiming to achieve this goal.

And as for Bo Sanchez, his bigger emotional why is that he wants to help more people experience God's abundance spiritually, emotionally, relationally and even financially. This is the reason why he uses his gift of communication through writing books and preaching, and builds ministries to help the poorest of the poor.

Final Word

Watching Bo's video made me realize that my bigger emotional why is to help other working moms pursue their passion as a profession, while having the time to spend with their growing kids. Believe it or not, I do not only watch my kids grow, but I also grow with them. I do not only get to know them more, but they also get to know me! There are even times when they would mimic the way I talk, or know what I was thinking even before I say it. 

I may have lost the perks (the company car was my favorite!) when I quit my job, and the journey leaving the comfort zone was not easy, but my kids having that assurance that I am always here for them, literally and figuratively, makes taking that risk all worth it.

And my way of achieving this bigger emotional why I can do this by using my gift of writing in sharing what I have learned about money through this blog, and continuously learning so I can share more.

If you haven't found it yet, I pray that God reveals to you your bigger emotional why. Today, after a long while, writing this blog post is the first thing that I did this morning -- even before having my coffee! And from not knowing what to do for the day, I know exactly how to run the next days! 

Having a bigger emotional why is indeed a gift and that powerful! I thank God for creating me with a beautiful purpose. And I know that He has created you for one, too.

Be very blessed!

P.S. Do you know your bigger emotional why? Share it in the comments below or email it to me at

Thank you and keep safe!

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