Monday, December 8, 2014

Look Up! How to Find God in Every Situation

Regular readers of my blog know that I am a Bo Sanchez fan and a regular Feast attendee. And since our goal at the Truly Rich Club is not only to gain financial abundance but to grow spiritually as well, I am taking this opportunity to share the lessons Talk 2: Pag May Time of the series Look Up with the purpose of blessing others.


For the series LOOK UP, Bro. George Gabriel started the second talk entitled “Pag May Time” with a Bible verse from Psalms 118:24 that says, ”This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Bro. George then tells about a clip from the movie Exodus where Moses meets God for the first time. When Moses asked God what he is going to tell the Israelites when asked who God is, He answers, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites. I am has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14)

“I am” means that God is always in the present. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not change. The God who touched your heart at the Feast last week is the same God who is going to touch you today and says, “I am.” The God who helped you through a financial problem ten years ago and you are experiencing it again now, God says, “I am.” If you have been traumatized in the past and you have not healed yet, God says, “I am.” See God in the present moment.

In Ecclesiastes 5:20, “It is God’s gift! God deals out joy in the present, the now.” God meets your need right now. Sometimes it is not exactly what we are asking for, but it is in the now. And because God is in the now, we need to cherish and not take for granted the present moment.

Choose not to miss out on this moment just because you cannot free from your past or you are bound by your future. God is in your now, and right now, He has miracles, abundance and blessings for you.

In Yahweh you are near in Psalm 139, it says, “Where can I run from your love? If I climb to heavens you are there. If I fly to the sunrise or sail beyond the sea still I find you there.”

God is always in your situation. And to live in the present moment, is to see God in the present moment.


Life is so beautiful and precious, we need to enjoy it. The problem is we rush our lives because we have goals and deadlines that we fail to enjoy it.

More important than the destination is the journey because God is shaping our hearts on the journey, making us more like Jesus, increasing our faith, deepening our trust and expanding our love. God never rushes. We should, too.

To visually show the kinds of people who rush their lives, Bro. Bo used a freeze gun and three people appeared on stage with lessons.

1.       Pace yourself. People who rush and are always in a hurry. Remember that stress is the #1 killer in the world and there is no cure for stress. Learn to pace yourself by celebrating the journey.

2.       Push yourself. We should not push constantly. You must push yourself, and then pull back. We must learn to push seasonally.

3.       Paralyze. These are people who wake up every morning and have no dreams.


In life, when you want to achieve something, you need to do something. Make every moment a gift.

In Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain wisdom of heart.” These verse teaches us two things:

1.       Never delay life. Do not wait for things to happen, make things happen. There are dreams that we want to make a reality, but they all start with a decision. Some are over exaggerating their past that they cannot move on. Some are over estimating tomorrow when tomorrow is not yet here. What we have under estimated is today. Make every moment as a gift.

2.       Never delay love. Life is short, what have I been doing in my life. Spend every moment with people who matter. There is a bigger dream for me, bigger things to do. For people who are losing hope, or losing a reason to live, be excited about our lives because it is the only thing that we have. Celebrate your life, celebrate your love.


The secret to live happily is to remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life. Live today as if it were your last, because in this moment God wants you to maximize the blessings He has given you and share it to others, the love that He has put in your heart so you can give it away, the talent that is in you so you can use it to glorify Him. The best way to maximize this moment is to be God’s presence to others. Be a present by being present.
Be very blessed!

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