Thursday, August 1, 2013

Marriage, Money And Everything Else In Between

Among other things, the most common source of disagreement between couples is financial handling. This means big trouble when the two are opposites in the way they handle money. One may be frugal while one is a lavish spender. One may be an impulsive buyer while the other is an investor. Well, the list goes on.

Going Backwards

Yesterday, I was reading a book by one of my favorite authors, Bo Sanchez. The book was "How to Find Your One True Love." Since Kiyosaki and Stocks Update were my usual reading list, this was a breather. Let me share a few excerpts from this book:

  • Make decisions only when you feel good about yourself. Figuratively, don't make decisions during the night of confusion. Sleep over it, and make decisions when you wake up in the morning and feel better.
  • We think that God's will is found out there, somewhere in the stars. That's not true. God's will is found within. Ultimately, God's will is your deepest desire.
  • Contradicting desires create contradicting results. Where there is no clarity of purpose, no great thing will be achieved.
  • Don't rebound. Wait for at least six months of mourning and adjustment before entering into another relationship (Popoy and Basha, six-month rule, not three).
  • For those who are considering "consecrated celibacy," there is no point sitting on the fence. Jump into the water and get your feet wet. If you like it, stay. If you don't, get out and find another pool.
  • You can't meet THE GUY unless you meet lots and lots of guys.
  • Go out and live life to the full. Expand your territories. Broaden your horizons. Conquer the world. Go out! Single life is a fantastic life to really live!
  • Empirical evidence has shown that the more similarities you have with your spouse, the greater chances you have for a happy marriage.
  • Real knowledge comes only when you're physically with the person, seeing him (not just hearing him or reading his words) respond to real-life situations.
  • You don't need a magical first moment to meet your potential husband. The important things are mature character, financial responsibility, the ability to commit, compatible mission and values..."
  • Marriages with the least adjustments are those between friends who have known each other for years before they realize that they're good marriage material.
  • When a woman has a positive outlook in life, she's a magnet.
  • The key to being interesting is to be interested. And there is something that men need and are hungry for like a guy thirsting for water in the desert -- Affirmation.
  • Modesty wins every time. Modesty attracts good potential husbands. Immodesty attracts lust -- and guys who would never respect you.
  • Have passions. Have beliefs. Have preferences. From the very start, be your best self, but be yourself nonetheless.
  • Be as pretty as you can be.
  • A man will always hunger after what seems to be out of his reach. And he will value that which he sacrificed a lot to gain. And he will hold of little value to things he gained easily. In other words, a man is attracted to a woman who is not looking for a man (in a desperate way). So allow him to pursue you.
  • The moment your boyfriend thinks he's got you under his thumb, he'll feel the chase is over. He's got to know you've got passions, interests and missions apart from him. He's got to know that he's part of your world, but not all of it.
  • Follow these two rules: 1.) Singles, tell yourself over and over again: I'd rather remain single than be married to the wrong person. 2.)I won't entertain anyone to be my boyfriend until that person has been sober from his addiction for at least a year. The person must change now -- not after I say yes to him.
  • Someone who lies to his parents will one day lie to his wife. Lying, cheating and stealing come from a bankrupt character.
  • Create you list of "Must-Have" and "Must-Never-Have." And as much as possible, do not compromise these lists.
  • Look for a man who loves his parents, loves his siblings, loves the poor... and the probability is high that he'll be loving you, too.
  • You're first move is not to look for Mr. Right. Your first move is to work on yourself so that you become Ms. Right. And when you become Ms. Right, you become a magnet. You attract him to your life.

My message here is simple. If you are married to your One True Love, there is a greater chance for a happy and loving marriage. And money? It will never be an issue.

I am very blessed because my husband and I never argue about money. He spends on the present (necessities) while I spend on the future (investments).

Dreaming of finding your one true love? Click the link on the left One True Love Club.

  1. How To Find Your One True Love by Bo Sanchez

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